Sunday, April 13, 2014

Field of Dreams Completed

After many months of stop and go work on our 'field of dreams' nursery I am happy to announce that it is officially 99% completed.  We have done all that we can do at this time to prepare a place for our future little one.  Finding and bringing our little miracle home will complete the final 1% remaining.
As I have explained in past posts the building of our nursery has been a long process for us.  When we began our adoption journey the truth of our infertility and the uncertainty of the path before us made even thinking about setting up an empty nursery too difficult.  As the months and eventual year passed in 'waiting' we realized that we needed to work on our faith that this was in fact the Lords plan for us.  (If this was truly what our Heavenly Father had planned for us why was it taking so long for our baby to find us?)  As the saying goes, 'faith without works is dead.'  We needed to work.
It has been hard work, both physical and emotional to plan and build our nursery.  We would work hard for a week or two and then close the door and move onto other project for a time only to open the door both literally and emotionally again to build this space in our lives and home.
We know that there is a very special woman out there who will find us and together we can help one another receive answers to our prayers.  Our baby will come home.  And when he or she does their room is ready.  Our faith is renewed.  
As the movie says:  "If your build it, they will come."

Our field of dreams Polar Bear Nursery:

I would like to say thank you to all of our family, friends, co-workers and neighbors who have helped us to reach this point.  Siblings and parents who helped with paint and construction, friends, co-workers, and neighbors who continually encouraged us and asked us how things were going and if we had any new adoption news.  Thank you for your support.  They say that it takes a village to raise a child, well it may just take a village for us to get a child but we are proud to say that we are part of a great 'village' and we are luck to have each of you in our lives.

Happy Sunday!!!

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