Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Priceless Treasures

While planning and furinshing our 'field of dreams' nursery I kept in mind that I wanted this room to be more than just another room in our home.  It had to be special.  Not only because it was a nursery, or because it would be polar bear themed, but because it would be the space that would welcome our future child; it would be his or her's safe comfortable place.  Every part of this room would be special, just as the child that will someday call this room their own is special.

First of all, a babies room needs a cradle.

Me in the cradle 1985

This handmade cradle was given to my parents as a wedding present.  All three of their children slept in this cradle as babies.  My siblings and I used to fight over who would inherit the cradle and the understanding was that the first grandchild would get the cradle. As soon as Nathan and I were married and had a house of our own the cradle was given to us (to fill 'hint, hint).  But after years and years it became a painful reminder that we had yet to have a grandchild to fill it.  It was kept in the basement piled with boxes in and around it, covered with a blanket.  Now as our hopes are again rekindled with the hope of adoption the cradle again holds a place of honor awaiting the next child to sleep there.

The rocking chair once belonged to Nathan's grandmother.  After she passed away we stored many of her belonging in our home until they found their way to other members of the family.  This chair has remained and now sits filled with stuffed polar bears in the nursery.

The Polar bear vinyl stickers above the cradle. When I first told Nathan that I wanted to do a polar bear themed nursery he wasn't sold on the idea.  If it was up to him the whole thing would be elk and hunting and fishing themed room whether it was a boy or girl.  I won out in the end and his only request was that we have a polar bear fishing somehow as part of the room.   I was luck enough to find this perfect sticker set that complements the room perfectly and makes Nathan happy.

The dresser/changing table was found for us by Nathan's mother.  It was a great thrift store find and with a little hard work and love we refinished it into what it is now.   You can read about its journey here.

Above the dresser is a plaque that says 'Once upon a time...'.  I purchased two of these plaques two years a ago and gave on to my best friend M to put in her own child's room.  Over the years we have both experienced our own individual infertility journeys.  She is now blessed with two healthy children of her own but together we have shared the pain, loss, and heartache that comes with infertility.  She has always been the one I can talk to about anything and for both of us the phrase 'once upon a time' signifies the hope and dreams that we have as we struggle towards parenthood.

Next to the plaque is a clock and a painting of the Savior.  Both were gifts given to us this last christmas.  The clock from my sister Sam reads "Family: where life begins and love never ends."  And the painting from Nathan's cousin Adam reminds us that we are not alone and that the Savior knows us and knows the pain and yearning that we feel.

The bookcase is one of my most priced possessions.  My father made this for me 22 years ago.  I can't believe it has been that long.  Wow.  It was originally blue but was painted white many years ago and has traveled with me everywhere I have lived since I moved out. 

My dad in the workshop
Bookcase in the background.  I am
the one in the red sweater in the back.
A signed piece of
 'Hendrickson Originals' woodwork
Last but not at all least is the polar bear rocker.  Like a rocking horse my brother built this bear through the skill and creativity of his own hands.  He only had a picture that I found of pinterest and no pattern but the one he made in his mind.  You can read about how he built it here.

Happy Tuesday!!!

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